
This blog, WoI - World of Indonesia, will attempt to provide information about Indonesia. Information that provided on this blog includes the arts, culture, tourism, geography and other things that are in Indonesia. I hope you can find the information you want on this blog. Besides, I hope you also can learn about the country, so that in a time when you have the opportunity to visit Indonesia, you are not confused about Indonesia.

to The Indonesia...

Because of this blog start form the beginning of June 2009, the information available is still limited. The author will attempt to complete the data as soon as possible to this blog. I hope the information provided useful to you. Thank you for your advice and criticism and also thank you for your visit.

Political System

Executive Branch
The president and vice president are selected by vote of the citizens for five-year terms. Prior to 2004, they were chosen by People's Consultative Assembly. The last election was held 20 September 2004. The president heads the United Indonesia Cabinet (Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu) The President of Indonesia is directlyelected for a maximum of two five-year terms, and is the head of state, commander-in-chief of Indonesian armed forces and responsible for domestic governance and policy-making and foreign affairs. The president appoints a cabinet, who do not have to be elected members of the legislature.

Main Office Holders
  • President : Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, party : PD, since : 20 October 2004
  • Vice-President : Jusuf Kalla, party : Golkar, since : 20 October 2004
Legislative Branch
The People's Representative Council (Indonesian: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, DPR) has 550 members, elected for a five year term by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies. The other chamber of the People's Consultative Assembly(Indonesian: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, MPR) is the Regional Representatives Council (Indonesian: Dewan Perwakilan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, DPR). Following elections in 2004, the MPR became a bicameral parliament, with the creation of the DPD as its second chamber in an effort to increase regional representation.

Judicial Branch
The Indonesian Supreme Court (Indonesian: Mahkamah Agung) is the highest level of the judicial branch. Its judges are appointed by the president. The Constitutional Court rules on constitutional and political matters (Indonesian: Mahkamah Konstitusi), while a Judicial Commission (Indonesian: Komisi Yudisial) oversees the judges. (source)

Related articles :
  1. Coat of Arms of Indonesia
  2. Elections in Indonesia
  3. Government and Politics
  4. Reform Process


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