
This blog, WoI - World of Indonesia, will attempt to provide information about Indonesia. Information that provided on this blog includes the arts, culture, tourism, geography and other things that are in Indonesia. I hope you can find the information you want on this blog. Besides, I hope you also can learn about the country, so that in a time when you have the opportunity to visit Indonesia, you are not confused about Indonesia.

to The Indonesia...

Because of this blog start form the beginning of June 2009, the information available is still limited. The author will attempt to complete the data as soon as possible to this blog. I hope the information provided useful to you. Thank you for your advice and criticism and also thank you for your visit.

List of Islands of Indonesia

This is a list of islands of Indonesia. Indonesia comprises 17,000 islands [1] according to estimates made by the Government of Indonesia, with 922 of those permanently inhabited. The country extends from adjacent the Malay Peninsula in its west and into Melanesia in its east. According to a 2002 survey by National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesia has 18,306 islands. Counting tidal islands (periodically submerged) doubles the island figure, and many islands have no name or share names, all of which makes tabulation very confusing even to the government of Indonesia.

Management of the islands sometimes includes a regency which covers a small island chain.

On September 21, 2007, an 8.4 earthquake struck Sumatra near South Pagai Island, producing a cluster of six small new islands, and enlarging others by uplift. A large portion of Indonesia is seismically active; the number, size, and shape of islands continues to evolve.

Main Islands
  • Greater Sunda Islands : Borneo - divided between Indonesian Kalimantan, Brunei, and Malaysia's states of Sabah and Sarawak, Java (formerly Jawa Dwipa), Sumatra (formerly Swarna Dwipa), Sulawesi (formerly Celebes).
  • New Guinea : divided between Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua and the independent nation of Papua New Guinea
Other Islands
Province of Banten

* Sangiang

Province of DKI Jakarta

* Thousand Islands archipelago (Kepulauan Seribu) 105 islands. Only 11 islands are inhabited.

Province of Central Java

* Karimun Jawa
* Nusa Kambangan - prison island

Province of East Java

* Bawean archipelago (kepulauan Bawean)
* Kangean Islands archipelago (kepulauan Kangean)
* Madura
* Raas
* Raja


Province of Aceh, 119 islands

* Banyak archipelago (kepulauan Banyak), 99 islands
o Balai
o Tuangku
* Lasia
* Weh Island
* Simeulue Island

Province of North Sumatra, 419 islands

* Nias archipelago (Kepulauan Nias)
* Hinako archipelago (Kepulauan Hinako)

* Batu archipelago (formerly Batoe Eilanden), 51 islands
* Berhala island on the Strait of Malacca
* Jake
* Lego
* Makole
* Masa

* Samosir island on Lake Toba

Province of West Sumatra

* Mentawai Islands
o Siberut
o Sipura (Pulau Sipora)
o North Pagai
o South Pagai
* Pasumpahan

Province of Lampung

* Child of Krakatoa (Pulau Anak Krakatau)

Province of Riau

* Rupat
* Bengkalis
* Padang
* Rangsang
* Tebing Tinggi Island
* Basu

Province of Riau Islands, about 3,200 islands

* Natuna archipelago (Kepulauan Natuna)
o South Natuna archipelago
o Anambas archipelago
o Natuna Besar archipelago
o Tambelan archipelago
+ Badas Islands archipelago
* Riau Archipelago
o Batam
o Bunguran
o Bintan
o Bulan
o Galang
o Karimun
o Kundur
o Rempang
* Lingga Islands
o Lingga with nearby islands:
o Singkep with nearby islands:

Province of Bangka-Belitung Islands

* Bangka Island
* Belitung


Province of East Kalimantan

* Derawan Islands
o Kakaban
o Bunaka
* Balabalagan Islands
* Bunyu
* Sebatik
* Tarakan Island

Province of South Kalimantan

* Laut Kecil Islands
* Laut Island
* Sebuku

Province of Central Kalimantan

Province of West Kalimantan

* Karimata Islands
o Karimata
* Bawal
* Galam
* Maya Karimata also just "Maya"


Province of North Sulawesi

* Talaud Islands
o Karakelong
* Sangihe Islands
o Sangir Besar, aka Sangir Island
o Siau Island
* Karakaralong Islands

Province of Central Sulawesi

* Togian Islands
o Togian
* Banggai Islands
o Peleng
o Banggai
o Bowokan Islands (aka Treko)

Province of South Sulawesi

* Pabbiring Islands
* Sabalana Islands
* Tengah Islands
* Selayar Islands
o Selayar Island
* Takabonerate Islands

Province of Southeast Sulawesi

* Tukangbesi Islands
o Wakatobi
+ Wangiwangi Island,
* Wowoni
* Buton
* Muna
* Kabaena

Lesser Sunda Islands

Province of Bali

* Bali
* Nusa Penida

Province of West Nusa Tenggara

* Lombok
* Sumbawa
* Sangeang
* Moyo Island

Province of East Nusa Tenggara

* Alor Archipelago (kepulauan Alor), 14 islands + 1 (E.Timor)
o Alor
o Kepa
o Pantar

* Flores
* Komodo
* Palu'e aka Palu
* Rinca
* Rote Island
* Savu (Savu Islands)
* Solor Archipelago
o Adonara
o Lembata (Lomblen)
o Solor
* Sumba
* Timor—divided between Indonesian West Timor and the independent nation of East Timor


Province of Maluku

* Buru
* Seram
o Ambon (Amboyna)
o Saparua
* Gorong archipelago
* Watubela archipelago
* Banda
* Tayandu Islands (also Tayahad)
* Kai
* Aru archipelago
o Enu
o Kobroor
o Maikoor
o Trangan
o Wokam
* Tanimbar Islands archipelago
o Selaru
o Yamdena
* Babar Island archipelago
* Barat Daya Islands
o Damar
o Romang
o Wetar
* Leti Islands archipelago

Small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea

The province of North Maluku

* Halmahera, with nearby islands:
o Machian (Pulau Makian)
o Morotai
o Ternate
o Tidore

* Bacan
* Morotai
* Widi archipelago
* Obi Islands
* Sula islands

New Guinea

Islands on the west of the main New Guinea island

Province of West Papua

610 islands, 35 inhabited

North of New Guinea Island:

* Asia Islands
* Ayu Islands
* Raja Ampat
o Batanta
o Fam Islands
o Boo Islands
o Misool
o Waigeo
+ Gam
+ Kawe
* Karas
* Semai

Province of Papua

* Biak Islands
o Biak
o Numfor
o Yapen
o Mios Num
o Supiori
* Komoran
* Yos Sudarso (source).

Related articles :
  1. Area and Boundaries
  2. Climate of Indonesia
  3. Environmental Issues in Indonesia
  4. Geographic Regions
  5. National Territory: Right and Responbilities
  6. Time Zones
  7. Volcanoes in Indonesia


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